My Passion for Traveling: How to find your passion

My first international trip was five years ago to Costa Rica. I fell in love.

But I knew I loved traveling long before then. See, before my trip to Costa Rica, I was traveling for work. Doing various bartending gigs and working as a brand ambassador at event across the United States. I loved the act of going somewhere new, even if it was for work. After the shift ended, I could always explore if I wanted to. I loved the road trips to get to new cities and states. I loved flying to different destinations, and seeing new sights. Taking my first international trip just confirmed my love for traveling even more, and opened up a whole new world of exploration.

During my trip to Costa Rica, I was really immersed in nature. I got to experience my first bus ride in a different country (where most of the locals spoke spanish), beautiful hikes to waterfalls, amazing beaches, and I also had my first experience staying in a hostel. All of this was such an amazing journey, and I couldn’t wait to experience more.

I fell in love with exploring, discovering new cultures, being fully immersed into the other countries, being surrounded by nature, and most importantly, really experiencing these new places. 

Finding your passion, or your “why”, is essential to discovering what you truly want to do. For me, to find my passion and love for traveling, I had to simply experience it. For others, this may be done in different ways.

Here are a few tips on how to discover your passion (from personal experience and experiences of others).

  • Journaling

A great way to discover your passion is journaling. If you prefer a guided approach or want a little kickstart, try this great Passion Journal.

  • Experience

What better way to know if you enjoy something than to simply experience it. Focus on the things you enjoy.

  • Try new things

Take a class, master a new skill, try something you have never done before. Maximum growth happens when we step outside our comfort zone.


Consistency is key. Whenever you feel like giving up, keep on trying.

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